We’re all familiar with myths, legends, and old wives’ tales, and they’re usually fun to hear. But it’s all fun and games until you apply them to real life situations. We have a list of common survival tips that are more fiction than fact.

  1. Don’t Try: Sucking venom out of a snakebite.
    Try: If someone is bitten with a venomous bite, get to a hospital as soon as possible. In transit, try to keep their heart rate low and hold the affected limb below heart level.
  2. Don’t Try: Playing dead when a bear attacks.
    Try: In the woods, quietly back away. In or around your yard and/or campsite, make yourself large and loud to scare off the bear.
  3. Don’t Try: Punching a shark in the nose.
    Try: Putting a solid object between you and the shark. Last resort is to attack the gills or eyes of the shark.
  4. Don’t Try: Swimming parallel to shore if caught in a rip current.
    Try: Relaxing and floating so you conserve energy to escape. Swimming parallel to shore only works if the beach is not irregularly shaped. Swimming at a perpendicular angle away from the current and towards the shore is the best way to escape.
  5. Don’t Try: Navigating based on the myth, “moss grows on the north side of a tree”.
    Try: Using the sun and a stick or wrist watch, or stars at night.
  6. Don’t Try: Drinking the liquid from cactus.
    Try: Eating cactus fruit. Also look for animals or animal tracks nearby, they can lead to a source of water.
  7. Don’t Try: Looking for food when lost.
    Try: Finding water and shelter first.
  8. Don’t Try: Warming someone up by rubbing their skin or putting them into hot water.
    Try: Slowly warming them up by layering blankets with warm water bottles under their underarms.
  9. Don’t Try: Buying cheap emergency gear to get prepared.
    Try: Getting ready with the Emergency Case, put together by first responders and veterans.
  10. Don’t Try: Preparing after disaster hits.
    Try: Preparing today with Emergency Case, BEFORE DISASTER STRIKES.


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